City Council

The City Council of Midwest City
It is the City of Midwest City's mission to "maximize the quality of life for our citizens through professional services, proper management of existing resources and appropriate planning."
The Midwest City Charter declares "The municipal government provided by this Charter shall be known as the "council-manager government." All powers of the city shall be exercised in the manner prescribed by this Charter, or, if the manner is not prescribed, then in such manner as the council may prescribe by ordinance."
The Mayor and Council members are elected officials, with each Councilmember representing one of six wards throughout the City. The Mayor is the seventh member of the Council and acts as an ex-officio council member at large. The Vice-mayor is elected by the Council members. The Council/City Manager's "Plans and Priorities" are posted below under Supporting Documents. The Midwest City annual Municipal Reports are also available under Supporting Documents, which started in 2020.
The Council is responsible for appointing the city manager, judges, board members, committee members, approving the budget and various other duties. The current councilmembers include:
- Matt Dukes, Mayor
- Susan Eads, Ward 1 Councilmember
- Pat Byrne, Ward 2 Councilmember
- Rita Maxwell, Ward 3 Councilmember
- Marc Thompson, Ward 4 Councilmember
- Sara Bana, Ward 5 Councilmember
- Rick Favors, Ward 6 Councilmember
Meeting Information
Meeting Time and Location
- The 2024 regularly scheduled meetings of the Council/Authorities will be held in the Council Chamber located at 100 N. Midwest Blvd., MWC, OK 73110 at 6 PM on the following days: January 9 and 23, February 27, March 26, April 23, May 14 and 28, June 11 and 25, July 23, August 27, September 24, October 22, November 12, and December 10. Click here for the complete list of regularly scheduled Midwest City meetings.
- Meetings will be streamed live on the City of Midwest City's (MWC) YouTube channel: with the recording available within 48 hours. Please note that Channel 20 is no longer active.
The Council will go directly into MWC meetings down in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 100 N. Midwest Blvd., MWC, OK 73110 at 6:00 PM.
We strongly encourage Midwest City residents and business owners to stay informed with community announcements, events, meetings and projects by going to and exploring "Your Community" to sign up for notifications and to report concerns and issues.
Speaking to the council members during a public meeting
- Citizens may address the Council/Authorities on specific agenda items by signing the "Citizens Wishing to Address the Council" form located at the tables by the podium. Citizens must provide a current name, address, the agenda item number, and their reason for appearing. All comments must be relevant to that item while addressing the Council/Authority.
Pursuant to Midwest City Resolution 2022-50, the following rules of conduct and engagement are in effect for all meetings of the MWC elected and/or appointed officials:
- Only residents of the City, and/or identifiable business doing business in or with the City, or where it is required by statute during public hearings may speak during a public meeting, unless by majority vote of the City Council, non-residents may be permitted to comment on agenda items that impact them. To verify this new requirement, speakers must state their name and City residential/business address or provide/present proof of residential/business address to the City Clerk before addressing the elected officials.
- There will be a 4 (four) minute time restriction on each speaker, which can be extended by a vote of the City Council, only if it benefits and/or clarifies the discussion at hand. The City Clerk, or designee, will be the timekeeper and will notify the chair when time has expired.
- The Mayor/Chair reserves the right to remove individuals from the audience if they become disorderly. If the Mayor/Chair asks a disruptive individual to leave and the individual refuses to leave, the meeting will be recessed and appropriate law enforcement action will be taken.
- Agenda items requesting action of the elected officials shall include:
- Presentation by City Staff and/or their invited guest speaker;
- If a public hearing is required, questions and discussion by and between the elected officials, City Staff, and the public;
- Questions and discussion by and between the elected officials and City Staff, invited guest speaker, and/or public during a public hearing; and
- Motion and second by the elected officials.
- If a motion is to be amended, the one who made the motion may agree and restate the motion with the amendment; however, if the maker of the motion does not agree to the amendment, the motion may be voted on as it stands.
- Final discussion and possible action/amended motion by the elected officials.
- The "New Business" section of a Council/Authority meeting will be handled in accordance with State Statue Title 25 Section 311. Public bodies - Notice. A-9, the purpose of the "New Business" section is for action to be taken at any meeting for any matter not known about or which could not have been reasonably foreseen 24 hours prior to the public meeting.
- The "Public Discussion" portion of the agendas allows members of the public to speak to the Council/Authority on any subject not scheduled on the Regular Agenda. The Council/Authority shall make no decision or take any action, except to direct the City Manager to take action, or to schedule the matter for discussion at a later date. Pursuant to the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act, the Council/Authority will not engage in any discussion on the matter until that matter has been placed on an agenda for discussion. Those addressing the Council/Authority are requested to state their name and address prior to speaking to the Council/Authority.
- Pursuant to Sec. 28-90.1. - Disorderly conduct - any person that commits any disorderly or disruptive behavior, including, but is not limited to, any of the following: speaking without being recognized by the Mayor or presiding officer; presenting comments or material not relevant to the item under discussion; engaging in other conduct, activity or speech that delays the public meeting, or is violent, threatening, abusive, obscene, or that jeopardizes the safety of self or others shall be subject to punishment by a fine or imprisonment in accordance with section 1-15 of this Code, plus costs, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
- Citizens wanting to get an item on a Council/Authority/Commission/Board/Committee agenda will need to contact the appropriate City Department Director to try and resolve any issues. If this fails, the citizen may then contact that Director's boss (the Director can provide that information). Only the City Manager may authorize agenda items for any Council/Authority/Committee agenda, as pursuant to the Midwest City Charter Article 2. Sec. 7, "Except for the purpose of inquiry, the council and its members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the city manager; and neither the council nor any member thereof may give orders on ordinary administrative matters to any subordinate of the city manager either publicly or privately."
CDC Recommendations
- The CDC recommendations will be followed to the extent allowed by the Oklahoma Open Meetings Act and temporary Amendment. Please stay home if you or anyone in your household is sick or think they may have had a COVID-19 exposure.
Special Assistance
- For special assistance to participate in a public meeting, please email your requests to the American's with Disability Act (ADA) Coordinator 24 hours prior to a meeting or call 739-1220 during regular business hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. If special assistance is needed during a meeting, call 739-1388.
Minutes and Recordings
- Meeting minutes will be available on this website within 48 hours after they have been approved.
- Recordings will be available within 48 hours on Midwest City's YouTube channel.
- Heritage Park Mall Area Urban Renewal Plan Notice of Public Hearings link:
- Click here for the Memorial Hospital Authority Community Improvement Grant Program page.
- Get accurate Midwest City information by subscribing to any of our news feeds. Also, consider enrolling in the Midwest City Public Notification System entitled MWC Notify.
- Vital reasons to shop in Midwest City
- Boards and Commissions webpage
- 2021 State of the City Video
- Get updated information about the 2018 G.O. Bond Projects happening in Midwest City
- City Ordinances
- Find My Voting Information
- Midwest City U.S. and State Senators and Representatives by Zip Code: MWC Legislators by Zip Code