Winter Weather Update #2 - 12 p.m., 2/3/2022

Winter Weather Update - Ice Covered Road


Animal Welfare:

  • Animal Service Center is OPEN during regular hours Thursday and Friday
  • Staff is responding only to emergency calls at this time.

Fire Department:

  • Use the appropriate footwear while clearing driveways and sidewalks. Snow-packed, low-tread shoes can leave you without traction, leading to slips and falls.
  • Power outages have been minimal, but if you do lose power and plan to use a generator, make sure you place it an appropriate distance from your home. Only use it if you can connect it safely. Make sure it is powered off and has cooled before refueling. A garage is not a safe place to run a generator.
  • Do not use ovens or stoves as a source of heat.
  • If you’re using space heaters, do not use an extension cord. Plug the space heater directly into the wall outlet. Make sure the heater is clear of all objects and will not come in contact with furniture, blankets, pillows, curtains, etc. 

Midwest City Senior Center:

  • CLOSED Thursday, February 3, 2022
  • Free tax preparation services canceled for the day

Municipal Court:

  • OPEN Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022
  • 2 p.m. docket will proceed as scheduled

Nick Harroz Community Center:

  • OPEN Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022
  • V.I.T.A. [Volunteer Income Tax Assistance] is canceled for the day

Police Department:

  • Essential-only travel is encouraged. But if you do have to get out, drive slowly.
  • If you encounter someone who you believe is in a life-threatening situation due to the weather conditions, call 911.
  • Midwest City Police are still responding to all vehicular accident calls. Chief Porter is attributing this to the hard work of our Public Works crews as they continue treating and plowing Midwest City streets.
  • If you do get stuck on a city street, stay in your vehicle. Call a tow service, family or friends for assistance. 

Street Conditions:

  • Public Works street crews are working day and night to keep arterial (major) streets as clean as possible. They’ve been plowing snow and applying sand/salt at intersections since the storm began.
  • Public Works crews will continue to operate on 12-hour shifts as long as it takes to deal with the effects of this winter storm.
  • For everyone's safety, please adhere to these simple rules when you see our crews working in Midwest City:
    •  Stay at least 100 feet (5 car lengths) behind our trucks as they salt, sand and plow.
    •  Try not to pass our trucks as they work.
    •  If your vehicle is stuck on a city street, please do not stand in the street to stop or flag down other drivers for assistance. City snow plows or trucks cannot stop to provide assistance. It's safer for you to stay in your vehicle and call a tow service, family or friends for assistance.

Trash & Recycling Collection:

  • Midwest City trash services are still operating as scheduled Thursday. We have seen some minor service delays due to road conditions, but we want to assure customers that collection services are occurring today.
  • Republic Recycling services for Thursday have now been moved to Saturday, Feb. 5.
  • Trash & Recycling services for Friday, Feb. 4, remain unaffected at this time.
  • For those customers on the Thursday/Friday trash & recycling collection schedule, if your carts do not get serviced, please leave them at the curb and we will try to get to them over the weekend.
  • If your carts are missed, report a missed collection to Public Works at 405-739-1066 after 8 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 7.

Utility Customer Service:

  • OPEN for customers on Thursday, Feb. 3, City Hall payment window, 100 N. Midwest Blvd
  • REMINDER: You can pay your bill online by hitting the PAYMENTS button at