MWC Surplus Property
The sale is open to the public and is available for viewing 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
MWC Surplus Property For Sale
To access the surplus property sale, visit the following sites:
ebay - MWC Surplus Property page at
- This page should list all of the items available from the City of Midwest City
- The number of items available varies from time to time, if you don't think you're seeing all the items, hit the see all button at the bottom of the page
- Click on each item to see additional images and details
- Click the "Save Seller" link at the top right in our banner to follow our page on and get updates when new items are posted
GovDeals - MWC Surplus Property page at GovDeals
- If Midwest City does not appear, that means no auction items are available
Public | Surplus - MWC Surplus Property page at Public | Surplus
- If no items are listed, that means no auction items are available