Neighborhoods in Action

Midwest City's Neighborhoods in Action facility, formerly a Department of Justice Weed and Seed grant initiative was taken over by the City when the grant ended. NIA is located at 1124 N. Douglas Blvd. Housed in a renovated fire station the facility offers a variety of community programs.
- K-5 Reading and Math Tutoring Program
- VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
- Community Service Program
- ODVA (Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs) - Wednesday 8:00am to 4:30pm
- GED Referral Site
- Community Food Giveaway Program - Mondays & Fridays at 2:30
- Hosts the Dana Brown Cooper Head Start Monthly Parent/Teacher Meetings
- Hosts the Faith Based Community Transformers Program
- Community Bus Pass Disribution Point
For additional information regarding any of these programs please contact the Neighborhoods in Action staff at 405-736-1973