City View Newsletter May 2020

Stay Connected

City Buildings to Open with New Safety Guidelines

The City of Midwest City has been following Governor Stitt's lead when it comes to opening our city amid COVID-19. The three-phase 'Open Up and Recover Safely' plan gives a step by step approach to safely move forward with our new normal. The City will begin opening buildings and services over the next few weeks and most have new safety guidelines to be aware of before stopping by.
New Safety Guidelines

  • Everyone who enters a City building needs to wear a mask including children ages two and older, per CDC guidelines
  • Social distancing of at least six feet should be maintained whenever possible
  • Hand washing/sanitizing immediately after conducting business is recommended
Building Opening & Service Resuming Dates
  • Animal Welfare - Opened May 1
  • Bulk Waste Collection - May 11
  • City Hall - May 4
  • Code Enforcement - Opened May 1
  • Community Center - May 4 (open to public), June 1 (events may begin)
  • Fire Department Admin. - May 4
  • Household Waste Facility - Opened May 1
  • Municipal Court (docket/cases) - May 4
  • Neighborhood Services/Charles Johnson Building - Opened May 1
  • Pavilion Rentals - June 1
  • Playgrounds/Athletic Courts - May 15
  • Police Department - Opened May 1
  • Public Works - Not open to the public; Open to vendors only
  • Reno Swim & Slide - June 1
  • Senior Center - June 1
  • Welcome Center - May 4

As many of you realize, this situation is constantly and quickly changing, so stay tuned to for the latest updates.

Get Notified YOUR Way in MWC

Make sure you receive urgent notices and emergency information. Sign up for MWC Notify. You can receive time-sensitive messages wherever and however you choose: home, mobile or business phones, email and text alert.

This system will enable us to notify you with urgent city information quickly for a variety of situations, such as critical emergency alerts, unexpected road closures, missing persons or evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods. It just takes a few minutes to get connected.

Reno Swim & Slide Hiring All Positions!

Are you or someone you know interested in working for the City of Midwest City? Our pool is a great place to start! Check out our job openings for next steps.

Stay Weather Aware this Spring

Did you know you need at least three sources of information to stay safe during storm season? Here are some options to choose from.

  1. NOAA Radio - Very reliable
  2. Local TV and Radio
  3. National Weather Service website and social media
  4. Smartphone Apps - No matter how many apps you have, they all count as one source of information. Think "What if my phone dies..."

Lawn Maintenance Best Practices

Have April showers led to May flowers and tall grass? As you're grooming your yard, remember blowing grass clippings into the street can lead to cyclist accidents, clogged storm drains, and even flooding.

You may not realize that when rain water washes down your street, the water flows, untreated, into local streams and waterways. The water carries grass clippings, which can cause the growth of harmful algae that robs streams and lakes of oxygen and endangers aquatic life. Instead, you could give back to your own lawn by mulching the clippings for up to 25% of needed nutrients! Bagging the grass is also an option.

Event Updates

For the health and safety of our residents, some upcoming events have been canceled, postponed or changed in format. Please visit for all the latest info.

  • Covered in Color - Due to COVID-19, we have had to cancel our annual arts festival. We can't wait to show you what we have in store for 2021!
  • Reno Swim & Slide Early Bird Season Passes Postponed - Pool pass sales have been postponed until further notice.
  • Cruise in for Coffee - Distance socially. Cruise leisurely. Midwest City's premier car show will be meeting for a unique Leisure Cruise around Midwest City May 16th. Here, guests will stay in their cars as they meet in the parking lot of Santa Fe Cattle Co. before they drive the route together at 9 a.m. This free event, featuring new and classic cars and motorcycles, is every third Saturday through October.
  • Yoga in the Park - This new addition to the MWC recreation line-up will feature sessions led by local instructor Anna Davidson at Regional Park beginning at 9 a.m. the last Saturday of the month through August. More details to come!

Stay Connected

Thank you for subscribing to this monthly newsletter! There are several other ways you can stay informed about City news. We are on:

Facebook (;
Twitter (; and
YouTube (

If you are a member of the neighborhood social media site Next Door (, watch for our posts there as well.

We are on Cox Channel 20 where our City Council meetings are aired live every second and fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. The meetings are also live-streamed on our YouTube channel. 

Employment Opportunities

If you or someone you know is looking for employment opportunities, you can visit the job opportunities section of our website.


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Reno Swim and Slide