IRS Impersonation Phone Scams


Numerous residents have received phone calls from IRS impersonators. The impersonators are threatening that the call receiver will be arrested if he or she does not comply. This scam, and other phone scams, will likely continue as long as people continue falling for them.

What To Do

Just hang-up; Do not provide them with any information.

If you believe that you might owe federal taxes, you can call the IRS at 1(800)829-1040 to confirm and/or work out arrangements.

If you do not owe taxes, you can report the scam to the Treasury Inspector General for the Tax Administration by clicking on the link below.

Additional Saftey Info

It is good practice to never give your personal information to ANYONE that calls you, no matter what the Caller ID shows. If they claim to be a person or business that you are affiliated with, use a phone number from a trusted source to call them back at.

Click here to report scam online