MWCPD Chaplain

David L. Hanigar is serving on staff as Senior Chaplain at the Midwest City Police Department and Jail. An ordained elder in the Free Methodist Church, David received a Master of Divinity from Saint Paul School of Theology. He has been preaching, teaching, and leading Christian ministry in Midwest City for more than 15 years. David first served as a volunteer chaplain for Midwest City in 2018 while planting an outreach-based church in Midwest City. David accepted the senior chaplain position in April of 2024. As such, David hopes to continue his longtime focus on living out and leading the Christian mandate to love God by loving others. While prioritizing care to the officers and inmates, he hopes to see the chaplain department help foster a multi-organizational, collaborative-care network that extends beyond the bounds of the Midwest City Municipal Complex.

Personally, David has been happily married to his wife, Kim, for over 29 years. Besides husband, one of his favorite roles is that of being Dad and "Pappy" to his biological, adopted, and "bonus" children and grandchildren. When not serving and caring for others, he enjoys hiking and playing tabletop games.