$25 Spay and Neuter Program for Low-income Residents

Spay and Neuter

Midwest City Spay & Neuter Program

The Midwest City Spay & Neuter Program is funded by a Hospital Authority grant designed to assist low-income residents in spaying and neutering their pets. Through population control, the program aims to reduce:

  • Population growth among stray and unwanted cats and dogs.
  • Stray and unwanted cats and dogs entering animal shelters.
  • Cat and dog euthanasia rates.
  • Animal-inflicted injuries to humans (e.g., bites).
  • Public health and safety threats, such as rabies.

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the low-income Spay & Neuter Program, applicants must:

  • Be a Midwest City resident.
  • Meet the income guidelines or participate in at least one of the following assistance programs.

Income Guidelines (Annual gross family income):

Family Size  1                   2             3               4                   5                6                  7                8

Income    $41,350    $47,250    $53,150    $59,050    $63,800    $68,500    $73,250    $77,950

Qualifying Assistance Programs:

  • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
  • DE Medical Assistance (Medicaid, DPAP, QMB, etc.)
  • General Assistance
  • Food Stamps
  • Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Social Security Disability
  • Veteran’s Administration Disability Compensation (50% or higher)

Surgery Requirements

  • Application approval is required before scheduling the surgery.
  • Applicants must inquire with the veterinarian about additional care, tests, or vaccines not covered under the program. These are the applicant's responsibility.
  • Rabies vaccination will be provided at no cost if the pet doesn’t have a current rabies vaccination at the time of surgery.
  • Pet owners must follow all pre-surgical and post-surgical care instructions from the surgery provider.

Application Process

Step 1: Complete the Income Eligible Application. Fill out all required sections and sign the form. Incomplete applications will be denied.

Step 2: Upload a copy of your State of Oklahoma driver’s license or ID card along with proof of eligibility. Acceptable proof includes documents confirming the type of assistance and the applicant's name.

Step 3: Submit your completed application and documents either online or in-person at the following address:

Midwest City Animal Services Center
8485 E Reno Ave
Midwest City, OK 73110

Once approved, you will receive a call to pick up your certificate, which includes the surgical provider’s contact information. If denied, you will receive a letter. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

There is a $25 nonrefundable administration fee required when picking up your certificate to ensure your spot in the program.

Step 4: After receiving your certificate, contact the surgical provider to schedule the surgery. Do not schedule your appointment before receiving approval.

Contact Information

For any questions, please contact:
Midwest City Animal Welfare Manager
Phone: (405) 739-1402
Email: tcoplen@midwestcityok.org

To apply online, visit: www.midwestcityok.org

Is your pet a dog or cat? *
Is your pet a male or female? *
The address and name on the utility bill must match the name and address of the applicant.
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Copy of your 2023 tax return, proof of enrollment in the approved programs listed on the information sheet.
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