Stormwater Quality

Midwest City Stormwater Quality Logo


To contact the Stormwater Quality Division during office hours, call (405) 739-1040

To report emergency spills after hours or on weekends, call (405) 739-1383

The Stormwater Quality Division was created as a result of the Environmental Protection Agency’s phase two Stormwater regulations of the Clean Water Act which the City of Midwest City is required to meet. 

The goal of these regulations is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation's waters so that they can support the protection of fish, wildlife, and recreation in and on our waters. To maintain safe and clean water resources, our Stormwater Quality technicians conduct a variety of specialized work skills and also receive professional training certifications through multiple national and state programs.

Below are five of the specialized tasks carried out by our technicians: