Quarterly Bulk Waste Collection

(Included as Part of Your Sanitation Services)

The City of Midwest City provides collection of your bulk waste at your curb on a quarterly basis. Here is what you need to know:

  • Make sure your bulk waste is at your curb (but not on the street) by 7 a.m. on the Monday of your collection week but not before 5 p.m. on the Friday before your week.
  • Once you place your bulk waste at the curb for your collection week, leave it out all week. The number of collections we make determines when we can get to your street.
  • Leave at least five feet of space on both sides. Don’t put it near your mailbox, electric box, gas meter or any other obstacle. Don't place it under trees or power lines. Make sure there are no vehicles parked in front of your bulk waste or we won’t be able to collect it.
  • Make sure you don’t place waste at your curb after the crews have passed by your house. We can make only one pass on each street.
  • We have information about other disposal options on our website including recycling, the compost facility, taking items to the landfill, and using our HHW drop off.
  • If you have questions, call Public Works at 739-1066.

What We Can Take

  • Furniture & Household Items (Sofa, chair, table, buffet, bed, dresser, box spring, mattress, floor lamp, crib, playhouses, etc.)
  • Carpet (rolled)
  • Tree Limbs (branches and tree trimmings placed together in piles with individual branches no longer than eight feet and no larger around than 20 inches in diameter)
  • Bagged or Boxed Yard Waste (leaves, grass, twigs, weeds, small limbs)
  • Bagged Household Items (small items such as plastic planters, toys, etc.)
  • Glass -- Plates of glass and mirrors must be boxed, wrapped and the edges must be taped. (Please note: Our equipment will break and shatter plates of glass and mirrors. We aren’t responsible for glass shards left in your yard.)
  • All items must come from the household where they are set out.
  • We will collect up to four cubic yards, which is about two pick up loads or a large, 10-foot sofa. (See example shown.) If you have more waste, the fee is $20 per cubic yard.)

What We Can't Take

  • Metal and metal appliances (washers, dryers, stoves, hot water tanks, bicycles, bed frames, etc.)
  • Construction Materials (concrete, dirt, bricks, roofing materials, etc.)
  • Tires, any shape or size
  • Automotive Parts (including parts from boats, motorcycles, and mopeds)
  • Household Hazardous Waste (paint, oils, herbicides, pesticides, light bulbs, etc.)
  • Medical Waste
  • Electronics and E-waste (computers, printers, scanners, phones, fax machines, etc.

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Bulk Size Restrictions