Private Rentals
Booking Info:
Private rentals start booking on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 8:00 a.m. for the calendar year at the Nick Harroz Community Center located 200 N. Midwest Blvd or online:
- Reservation Catalog -
- Find us under the Aquatics tab in the Reservation Catalog
Parks and Recreation Supervisor: 405-739-1291
- $400 for private events
- Paid in full within 48 hours of booking.
- Payments will be accepted at Reno Swim & Slide. Start date TBD.
- No private parties from May 24 through May 26
- After August 7th, private rentals will be Saturday and Sunday ONLY
- Time of private rentals are: 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
- No rentals on a day of the week designated to staff training and no rentals on holidays
- No rentals May 24 through May 26
For businesses, organizations or individuals who wish to rent the pool during the above listed hours, the following provisions must be met:
- Reservations for after hours parties are on a first-come, first-served basis.
- To hold your rental, a contract must be signed within 48 hours of calling the community center or filling out an online form; the total amount of $400 is required at that time or the date is no longer reserved.
- Rentals may be made starting in March of the year in which the event or activity will take place.
- A maximum of 200 participants will be allowed for pool rental events.
- The selling of tickets on pool premises for pool rental is not allowed.
- A cleaning deposit of $100 (check or cash) per event must be paid prior to the using of the facility. The deposit is refundable upon picking up all trash generated by the group.
- All pool regulations as well as City ordinances must be observed by the reserving party and guest.
- City staff must be utilized and will be provided by the City of Midwest City.
- Concession may be optional. Groups may be allowed to bring refreshments. No glass containers will be allowed.
- Alcoholic beverages, including beer of any alcohol content, will not be allowed. Anyone who is under the influence of alcohol will not be admitted to the pool.
- Rental fees may be reimbursed due to weather. Cancellation due to weather must be verified by pool staff before reimbursement may be made. An alternative date may be reserved if the first date is canceled.
- If any of the regulations, policies or ordinances of the City of Midwest City are violated by the lessee or any guest this agreement may be terminated immediately and all participants shall thereupon leave the premises. In the event the City shall exercise this provision there shall be no refund.
- Requests for waiver or any variation to these policies will be reviewed on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Aquatics Supervisor. A written request for a waiver or variation must be submitted to the Community Center Coordinator ten days prior to the event.
- No disc jockeys or loud music allowed.